Our deepest desire is to experience freedom. Our ultimate joy is to be free from fear of anything and anyone. If we are to experience true freedom, we have to confront our fears and reveal the truth about fear.
Whoever can see through all fear
Will forever be safe
Lao Tzu
The truth about fear
The truth about fear is that it is not real. Fear is an illusion, created by our thoughts, and just as we have the power to choose our thoughts, we have the power to dissipate fear at will.
Because we have not understood fear, we have allowed it to take centre-stage in our lives. It is time to acknowledge that fear is false evidence appearing real.
In essence, fear is nothing more than a thought, followed by a feeling that you are in danger and that something bad might happen. If you fear the future, which is yet to happen, it is clear that fear is merely a figment of your imagination.
It is a bitter pill to swallow when you realize that all fears are self-created or imagined in your mind. You know this to be true because fear of something may not have existed at one point in time. Yet, the next minute, that fear took on a life of its own, until one day you realize that you have accumulated a whole list of things to be fearful about.
The Law of Attraction unerringly responds to the vibration expressed through your fears and without question, returns to you more fear vibration by sending you more things to be fearful about.
List of common fears
Fear of failure
Fear of public speaking
Fear of rejection
Fear of death
Fear is your personal interpretation
It is important to note that what you decide is fearful, is not fearful to another person. You may fear meeting new people, because you may feel inadequate at making conversation and you fear being rejected by people. Meanwhile, someone else might love meeting new people as a way of making new friends or business contacts. Some people dislike networking, while others love networking opportunities. So the idea of meeting people, is neither good, nor bad, nor fearful, unless you decide it is.
Fear of failure
Fear is a not a rational behaviour because often, we cannot rationalize our fear. However, it is important to realize that whatever it is that you fear, has not happened and yet you cannot stop being afraid.
Fear of failure will prevent you from taking risks and attempting new things that could improve your life. In reality, you haven’t failed yet, but the thought of failure and its consequences, stops you from taking positive action that could transform your life. Perhaps the memory of having failed once before, is enough to prevent a repeat experience. Know that fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.
Fear of dying
Death and dying is inevitable. We will all die one day of something or other, but to let the fear of death predominate your mind, is totally unnecessary. Fear of death will prevent you from living a normal life.
If you are in good health now, you should give thanks and celebrate your good health. Heath is indeed wealth! If good health is what you desire, make sure all your thoughts, words, feelings and actions support your desire. Only positive vibrations will help you sustain the positive frequency of good health and wellness.
Thoughts becomes things
Every time you focus on your fear, you are reinforcing the illusion that fear is real, when it is not. This habit of giving undue importance to fear, will transform your fear from mere thought energy into matter, thus actually creating your experience of fear.
Understand the negative impact of fear
Nothing in life is to be feared.
It is only to be understood.
Now is the time to understand more,
so that we may fear less.
Marie Curie
When you are fearful, it gives rise to worry, frustration and anger. Furthermore, the stress caused by fear can have a far more negative impact on you than whatever it is you are afraid of. Chronic fear is debilitating and can result in severe symptoms such as intense depression, insomnia, mental, emotional and physical instability and the inability to focus on your goals. These symptoms deprive you from enjoying life.
What happens in your energy system when fear is triggered?
There is a part of our brain called the amygdala which triggers “the flight or fight response”. This describes a mechanism in the body that enables human beings and animals to mobilize a lot of energy rapidly in order to cope with threats to survival.
Fear can be interpreted as a threat to our survival. When a threat is perceived, the autonomic nervous system puts the body on red alert. The adrenal cortex automatically releases stress hormones. The heart automatically beats harder and more rapidly and breathing automatically becomes more rapid. The thyroid gland automatically stimulates the metabolism. Larger muscles automatically receive more oxygenated blood.
Fear is often a false alarm
The important thing to remember is that the “fight or flight response” is an automatic response, not a rational response and it isn't always accurate. In fact, most of the time when the “fight or flight response” is triggered, it is a false alarm because there is no threat to survival. The amygdala, cannot distinguish between a real threat and a perceived threat.
The ‘freeze’ response
Sometimes the perceived threat is so intense that it triggers a "freeze" response. It probably evolved in humans and animals as a way of "keeping still" so a predator's attention would not be triggered by movement. Nowadays, some people “freeze” on stage when they have to make a public address.
In modern-day living, we have come to interpret so many minor things as “threats to our survival” such as fear of deadlines, fear of making a mistake, fear of rejection, a call from your boss, traffic jams, gossip about you, a warning letter from your bank, growing old, etc. All these situations release large doses of cortisol into your bloodstream, causing permanent damage to our health and wellbeing.
What is on the other side of fear?
Everything you want is on the other side of fear
Jack Canfield
Whenever you are consumed by fear, you feel powerless. Yet, when you face the truth, no one else can think your thoughts. You already possess absolute power and freedom to choose your response in every moment. Thus, it is ironic that the freedom you so longed for, you already possess.
Once you realize that your fears are stories you made up in your own mind, you are free to recreate at will, a whole new set of stories that will materialize the life you desire.
Love versus Fear
When you are focussing on your fear, you are focussing on what you do not want to happen, while at the same time, desiring something you do want to happen. Your low fear vibration is in contradiction to the high vibration of what you want to create in your life. If you want to manifest you desire, your personal vibration has to be a vibrational match with the vibration of your desire.
Fear is an unloving act directed at yourself. If you loved yourself enough, you will believe that you can create what you desire, because you deserve to be happy.
Fear only exists because you have forgotten that you hold the power to project new thoughts and desires at any given moment. When you return to loving and believing in yourself, you will focus on thoughts that will attract the life you desire.
Freedom is power
Fear distorts reality. It makes you see a world that is threatening and unsafe, a world of lack where there isn’t enough of everything to go around including money, resources and love.
Why not invest your time and energy believing in what is true, real and permanent, such as the existence of abundance, love, beauty, joy and peace. These are always available, accessible and free of charge. It is yours for the asking and taking.
The yearning to experience total freedom, is the call of your soul. Watching an eagle soar to great heights, gives you a taste of what true freedom and power really feel like. Heed the call of your soul. Believe that you are always divinely guided and blessed. This is an abundant universe. No one can take your share. Happiness, love, joy and peace are your birth-right.
The only real prison is fear
And the only real freedom
Is freedom from fear