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Going with the Flow

Writer's picture: Shahreen KamaluddinShahreen Kamaluddin

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Dear Friends,

The concept of going with the flow, is in alignment with the cosmic law, called the Law of Least Effort. This law ensures that your life will be easy and that you can fulfil all your desires effortlessly. All you need to do is go within, connect with Divine Source, listen to your inner guidance, trust that the Universe has your back and go with the flow of life.

This advice would be rejected by most people, because they have been conditioned to believe that nothing comes easy in life. They believe they have no choice but to work hard and struggle to get what they want.

Whatever you believe to be true, will become your experience. Constant struggle is bound to wear you out. Besides, there will be no joy or fun in your life.

Is there an easier way?

Yes there is. The Law of Least Effort is a cosmic law that speaks to your higher self, or your soul, not to your rational human mind.

The conditioned mind believes that effort and struggle is the path to success. Yet, if this philosophy is true, everyone would be rich, happy and successful. The reality is that despite working ridiculous hours, their efforts have not borne fruit.

What if you are willing to believe that there is an easier way to live? What if you believe that the Creator of this Universe, has worked it all out for us and ensured that everything in this Universe, not just survives, but thrives?

The Law of Least Effort Ensures Perfection

The Law of Least Effort boldly promises that you can do less, yet accomplish more. Nature operates in harmony with this law. It does not hurry, yet it accomplishes everything with perfection.

Look at the universe where countless stars and planets exist. The size of each star and planet is immeasurable, yet all of them are floating in space! The Earth is spinning at approximately 1,000 miles per hour, yet it has not flown out of space! The entire galaxy of stars and planets are held in perfect positions. The Sun, Earth and Nature, follow the laws of the Universe and perform their roles perfectly, silently and joyfully.

I am inspired by what Hafiz, the 14th century Persian, Sufi, mystic poet and philosopher, said about the Sun,

“And still,

after all this time,

the Sun has never said to the Earth,

‘You owe me,’

Look what happens with a love like that.

It lights up the sky.”

Infinite Intelligence

Observe how the birds, butterflies, fish, flowers and trees, exist in perfection because they are in harmony with cosmic laws. Their DNA has all the information they will ever need to grow and thrive. They do not struggle, complain or argue with weather conditions. They are fully equipped to handle every challenge that comes. They go with the flow of life, trusting that all is well.

Some migratory birds perform amazing feats naturally. The Arctic Tern, a bird weighing about 100 grams, makes a round trip each year, between the Arctic and the Antarctic (about 20 000 kilometres) in order to never experience wintertime! The Sedge Warbler, can fly 4000 kilometres without any stopover! This bird weighs 23 grams when he begins the journey and only 9 grams when he arrives! Other small migratory birds can fly 75 hours straight, at 1000 meters high, to cross the Mediterranean Sea or the Sahara!

Leatherback sea turtles are among the most highly migratory animals on earth, travelling approximately 10,000 miles or more each year, between foraging grounds in search of jellyfish. Loggerheads born in Japan, migrate almost 8,000 miles to the rich waters off Baja California, to feed and mature. Once they have reached sexual maturity, they migrate back to Japan to breed and nest.

The tide knows when to ebb and flow. The sun know when to rise and set. Butterflies know when to pollinate a flower. Rivers and streams always take the path of least resistance, flowing downstream to the sea.

Who is speaking to them? They do not go to a school to learn how to live. Everything in Nature instinctively knows how to thrive. They do not hurry or worry about their future.

There is a higher organizing power that is orchestrating everything without the help of anyone or anything.

The Human Story

Our Creator has created everything in the Universe to sustain life at optimal levels. We do not need to envy the amazing capabilities, freedom and wisdom of birds, turtles or animals. Just as Nature is guided by divine inspiration, we too are receiving the same divine guidance.

We are God’s most magnificent creation! Look at how we have been designed. The capacity of our brains and bodies are incomprehensible! Our organs carry out highly complex functions perfectly, 24-7, throughout our lives, without any help from us. Our bodies have an in-built healing mechanism to ward off illness and to heal should we fall sick. We are indeed walking, talking miracles! We were designed to live to 120!

Despite our highly sophisticated apparatus and system, we are not accessing our inner wisdom to navigate our life. Rather than allow our spirit to guide us, we let our conditioned minds control our destiny. We over- think everything, worry about the future and complain endlessly about everything. Chasing our dreams, builds stress in our minds and bodies, resulting in illness.

Jalaluddin Rumi, the 13th century Persian poet and Sufi master said,

“When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety; if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, and without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.”

What is meant by the term “resistance”?

In terms of electrical engineering or physics, “resistance” refers to the disruption of electric current flowing through a circuit.

We are human circuits through which pure positive energy is flowing through us. This energy from Source, is always bringing us wellbeing and abundance. There is no reason to fear or worry. When we do, these negative vibrations will block the natural flow of abundance and wellbeing from flowing to us.

The future is unknown and trying to control uncertainty, is going against the flow of the current. Sometimes, the best thing we can do is to surrender, let go and let God take over. When this happens, tension is released and suddenly new opportunities show up guiding us to a new experiences.

How to Flow with Life

The following suggestions will help you to go with the flow throughout each day.

  • · Accept what you cannot control. When you change, your perspective changes and you will be inspired to take the right action.

  • · Avoid rushing decisions, rushing from place to place and building up nervous energy in your body. Remind yourself to slow down, take a deep breath and relax.

  • · Be an optimist. It takes up less energy!

  • · Be a detached observer of life. Don’t criticise. Don’t judge yourself, others or life too harshly.

  • · Use your heightened self-awareness to decide what matters most in life and focus on fulfilling it.

  • · Look for positive aspects to appreciate everywhere you go.

  • · Stay close to Nature and learn how to be in total appreciation of life and all the gifts that the Universe is showering on you.

  • · Be silent in meditation and listen to the inner guidance that is flowing to you and through you.

The easy formula to fulfil all your desires

The Law of Attraction manages all the vibrations in the Universe. You will attract whatever vibration you are expressing. Positive vibrations attract positive experiences and vice versa. The better you feel about life, the closer you are to fulfilling your desires. The worse you feel about life, the further you are from realizing your goals.

Happiness is your natural state. How difficult can it be to ask yourself to be happy? Look for reasons to feel good and stay on that high frequency. By focussing on what you want, not on what you don’t want, you will naturally raise your vibrational frequency and attract what you want easily.

In the Holy Scriptures, Jesus said, “Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open to you.” I believe he was emphasizing how easy it is to get what you want.


Going with the flow, will bring clarity to your life. When you practice silence and meditate, divine inspiration will guide you to navigate the path toward your destination with fluidity and balance. You will find yourself in the right place at the right time. Your present moment awareness will allow you to appreciate everything along the path toward realizing your dreams and living your destiny.

When you have mastered the art of going with the flow, you will understand what the 6th century BC Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu meant when he said,

“Be still like a mountain

And flow like a great river.”

Much love,

Shahreen Kamaluddin

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