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Writer's picture: Shahreen KamaluddinShahreen Kamaluddin

Updated: Nov 27, 2021

There is a path that will lead you to all the good things you desire in life and that is Love. Love is the secret portal though which you can gain access to all the higher energies such as joy, abundance, wellbeing and peace. When you consciously choose love as your way of life, love will inspire all your thoughts, words, feelings and actions. When you are aligned with Divine Source, there are no obstacles preventing you from creating anything you desire.

Love is the most powerful creative force in the universe

This is a vibrational universe and your life is created by the personal vibrations you are sending out. Whatever thoughts you are focused on, will activate a vibration within you, which will attract people, things and situations that match the frequency of your vibrations. If you choose to focus on love, you will attract more love into your life.

Your emotions are the driving force of your life. How you feel from moment to moment, influences all your decisions. When you feel love, you feel good and you are inspired to do all the things that will bring you more good feelings.

Conversely, when you feel negative emotions, you feel awful or miserable, causing you to act in ways that will bring more misery into your life. It is important to take note of all the different emotions you experience, as you respond to people and situations in each day.

There is a Vibrational Scale of Emotions, which has calibrated every human emotion on a scale of 1-1,000. Heavy emotions like sadness, guilt or humiliation, vibrate at low frequencies, below 200, causing you to feel “low.”

Meanwhile, feelings like love, joy and bliss, vibrate at high, uplifting frequencies, from 500 and above, thus making you feel “high,” light and good.

Love is the tipping point to create your desires easily

On this Vibrational Scale, Love vibrates at a high frequency of 500. It is important to note that the frequency of 500, is the tipping point at which your magnetic frequencies are strong. That is why love makes you feel so powerful, to enable you to create all your desires easily, such as more love, joy and peace.

Conversely, any other emotion such as anger, sadness, disappointment, embarrassment, rejection or depression, makes you feel powerless. If you continue to indulge in these negative emotions, they will gather negative momentum. If you are not fully conscious of what is happening, moment by moment, you can get sucked into the “black hole” of negative emotions and get stuck there.

When you are experiencing these low frequencies, you will feel powerless to uplift your vibrations to improve your circumstances.

Love increases your awareness, enabling you to consciously choose the path of love, so that your life will be joyful.

Feeling good is the key to manifesting all your desires

The reason you want most things in life, is because you desire to feel good or happy. Having a comfortable car, a nice home, a good job, enough money and good health, causes you to feel good. Having the love of family and friends, makes you feel good. All of these good feelings bring you more love, comfort, joy and wellbeing.

Thus, your only business in life, is to care about how you feel. When you feel good, your channels are open to receive all the good energies that are flowing to you. All you have to do is to allow these energies to flow through you, unimpeded by any negative emotions.

You decide how you wish to feel in every situation. No one can enter the sanctuary of your mind and force you to feel miserable. While you may not be able to control everything that happens, how you choose to feel about anything or anyone, is the only thing within your absolute control.

Remembering this truth, grounds you in your real power to manifest all your desires.

Know the difference between the feelings of love and negative emotions

Love makes you feel Anger, Sadness, Worry, Despair makes you feel

Uplifted/Exhilarated Depressed

Fearless/Powerful Fearful/Powerless

Expansive/Unlimited Constricted/Limited

Connected with everything Isolated/Separated

Abundant Depleted

Fulfilled Unfulfilled

Rich Poor

Free Shackled

Complete/Whole Fragmented

Clarity Confusion

Ease Uneasy

Aligned with Source Out of alignment with Source

The frequency of love always makes you feel good. Love is in alignment with Source Energy and will lead you on the path to fulfil all your desires.

Conversely, negative emotions always make you feel bad, because you are blocking the flow of creative energy, thus preventing you from creating your desires. When you are not in alignment with Source Energy, you feel frustrated and unfulfilled.

Choose love because

  • love creates miracles, heals all wounds and purifies all lower energies

  • When you align with love, fear dissolves and problems dissipate.

  • Love guides you to do the right things, make the right decisions.

  • You will see with eyes of love, hear words of love and act from love.

  • When you are anchored in love, your creative powers are unleashed, enabling you to attract all that your heart desires.

Turn to love, when you are angry, sad, worried, doubtful, jealous or depressed

Love has the power to transmute all other lower energies, which attract bad experiences into your life. Thus, whenever you feel negative emotions, you should consciously return to love by asking yourself these two questions:

“If I could act from love now, how would I respond to this person or situation?”

“What would love have me do right now?”

Coming from a place of love will always bring clarity to any situation. Love will always bring compassion and generosity of heart, which will inspire the best response from you, to any person or situation that is upsetting you.

The following situations are some examples where you can practice love.

1. When you observe someone passing by, what do you see?

Is your first response, “She is showing too much cleavage,” or “Her skirt is too short,” or “He looks arrogant.”

If you are coming from a place of love, you will notice only positive things about someone and perhaps remark, “What gorgeous hair she has!” or “She has a lovely smile!” or “He dresses well!”

2. In a restaurant, how do you respond to people laughing loudly?

Would you get angry and comment, “How inconsiderate!” or “These people are uneducated!”

If love inspired your response, you might see a totally different perspective and say, “It is nice to see people having a good time!”

3. Always look for something to appreciate

When you look for something to appreciate wherever you are, soon enough, you will always notice only positive things.

For example, when you are in a restaurant, someone might say, “The chairs here are quite uncomfortable,” but you can shift the focus by saying, “The air-conditioning here is nice and cool!” or “The waiters here are really polite!”

Whenever you express appreciation, you are expressing love and you can change the energy of any situation immediately.

4. Smile and acknowledge people

Smile at people when walking along a corridor, or when entering a lift. It relaxes everyone immediately.

Smile and wave spontaneously at little children. Notice how they immediately wave and smile back at you. Make conversation with them. This spontaneous exchange of love warms both hearts!

Always acknowledge good in people. Compliment them immediately. Acknowledge good work, good service and kind acts, whenever you experience them. It feels so good when you touch someone’s heart!

5. Share what you know freely

When you feel competitive with someone, you will not want to share or help that person.

However, when you choose to act from love, you will willingly offer help or share knowledge.

When you do share, you feel so good! Your generosity inspires gratitude from that person which is so heart-warming!

6. Put love into everything you do

When you infuse love into your everyday activities, there is passion and perfection. You bring the best of you to the job at hand.

7. Cook with love

When you cook with love in your heart, your cooking will be exceptional! Those eating your food can feel your love. When they express their gratitude, so much love is expressed and felt!

8. Listen with love

When you listen with love, you listen with compassion and understanding and you will respond with love.

9. Speak with love

When you speak with love from your heart, your words will always be loving and will touch other hearts. When love is shared, you feel embraced by love!

Love is your purpose for living

Look around you at Nature. There is boundless love in all God’s creation. There is indescribable beauty and perfection everywhere you look. There is unlimited abundance. We are magnificent creations with unlimited powers. You have the power to choose more love, more joy, more fun, more laughter, more wonder, more beauty, more harmony and more peace in your day-to-day life.

Choose them all and you will experience heaven on earth!

The power of self-love

All forms of love begin with self-love. When you love, value and respect yourself, you would not harm yourself in any way by wallowing in negative emotions. You will not be self-critical or abuse your mind or body in any way. When you love yourself unconditionally, no one and nothing can reject you. You stand tall in the knowing of who you really are – an eternal being, a peaceful and loving soul!

When you have loved yourself adequately, “your cup runneth over.” Your love and generosity will overflow and touch everyone.

When you love yourself, you bring the best of who you are to meet the world! When you are connected with Divine Source, pure positive energy flows through you and you use your creative power to transform yourself and your world!


“Namaste” is no ordinary Indian greeting. Dr. Deepak Chopra personally told me that this greeting means, “The Divine in me recognises the Divine in you.” I am deeply moved by the meaning of these words!

When you feel love, you feel oneness with everyone and everything. Time stands still and you get a taste of eternity!

Much love,

Shahreen Kamaluddin

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